Christmas is here!

Let its magic sweep you off your feet, let yourself be lulled by the tinkling of its bells, let its lights amaze you…

We hope you will be able to take some time off during this holiday season, to recharge – load up on laughter, gratitudes, joy, surprises, sweetness and love, surrounded by your loved ones.


Sharpen your pencils!


This Christmas, we invite you to write down your most extraordinary ideas and your craziest wishes. Let your imagination flow and unveil your wildest dreams, let them inspire you to make them come true ?! And please do share them with us, we’d be happy to read you.

Thank you

Keep it up during the Holidays ! We are here for you too. Thank you so much for your support and your presence throughout the year. You keep us in top form !

Take the time – the time to live, the time to reflect on this past year, the time to dream, the time to breathe
just like Clara Luciani tells us to do. Listen to it and let yourself be carried away



To have a solidary holiday season, remember that you can keep supporting the villagers in Dhorpatan. To do so you can :

  • You can make a donation to help the families of Dhorpatan.
  • You can become a member of the Association to support sustainable agriculture and keep up with our latest actions.
  • You can support us daily and for free thanks to Lilo, the sustainable search engine.
  • Buy or gift the photobook Dhorpatan, An open windoy on Nepal.



Warm and happy holidays.
Sweet thoughts from the team.


Dani bath in Nepalese!
Tsutse tse in Tibetan !
Grazie mille in Italian !

Amis de Dhorpatan team

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