Happy new year 2024 !!

The Amis de Dhorpatan team wishes you happy new year, illuminated by a firework of opportunities, new endeavours and enthusiasm !

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”


QMay 2024 be be inspiring, live your dream instead of dreaming of your life.
Pens in hand !

THANK YOU to our generous contributors.

THANK YOU to the City of Paris for granting us the SOLIDEV fund which allows us to invest in new agricultural equipments. An essential and tangible support to develop sustainable agriculture in Dhorpatan.


Don’t forget !
Remember that you can :

You can make a donation to help the families of Dhorpatan.
You can become a member of the Association to support sustainable agriculture and keep up with our latest actions.
You can support us daily and for free thanks to Lilo, the sustainable search engine.
Buy or gift the photo album Dhorpatan : an open window on Nepal

Dani bath in nepalese !
Tsutse tse in tibetan !
Grazie mille in italian !

Dhorpatan’s friends team

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