A star is born : it’s you!

So remember to shine during the holidays !

The Amis de Dhorpatan team wishes you a wonderful holiday season.

May they be sweet, joyous, yummy, relaxing, festive…

Take care of yourself, treat yourself! You deserve it!

Take this opportunity to focus on you, to take practice self-care, to re-connect with your true self and what really makes you happy, and find it in yourself to follow your dreams!

Don’t forget that you are unique, that you have value, that you are capable of great things.

Don’t forget that you are not alone, that there is always a light even on the darkest paths. That light lies within you, find it, cherish it and make it shine.

Sow the seeds of affection and kindness around you. Share as much as you can with your loved ones but also with the strangers that cross your path everyday, with the children but also with the elderly to whom we owe so much.

Remember that “Caring for oneself is valueing oneself.”
Cédric Michel

To continue supporting the villagers in Dhorpatan :

  • You can make a donation to help the families of Dhorpatan.
  • You can become a member of the Association to support sustainable agriculture and keep up with our latest actions.
  • You can support us daily and for free thanks to Lilo, the sustainable search engine.
  • Buy or gift the Photo album Dhorpatan, an open window to Nepal.


Dani bath in Nepalese !
Tsutse tse in Tibetan !
Grazie mille in Italian !

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The villagers, Dhondup, Coralie, Isabelle, Valentine & team
+33 6 87 44 59 70is.zanetti@yahoo.fr

Copyright (C) 2020 Association Amis de Dhorpatan. All rights reserved.

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