Here comes the sun!

The sun has finally come through the clouds bringing light and warmth to the end of the year. We hope this summer will offer you some peace, some rest, some brand new energy and above all some freedom.

2021 was collaborative

For Amis de Dhorpatan, the end of June means it’s time to review and reflect on the first half of the year. This year more than ever, it is with utter gratitude that we look back on the past few months.

edc logo

A big thank you to EDC Paris Business School

For the second year in a row, EDC Paris Business School supported us by allowing their students to volunteer for us.

7 students from EDC Paris Business School joined us from May 3rd to June 3rd to help us develop sales in Nepal but also in Singapore and Dubai. Their work is vital to us because it allows the villagers of Dhorpatan to receive a decent and regular wage.

A BIG thank you to Christine HU, Tom FERRIC, Abdelaziz HAMOUDI, Alexandre BAIOCCO, Ruolin GAO, Claudia DIACONU and Maxime VARIN.

We would like also to thank Tony SANCHEZ, Francesco TRAVAGLI, Blandine JERRY and the whole EDC team for providing us with such precious help.

Thank you to Lycée Carcado Saisseval

Amis de Dhorpatan was also lucky enough to collaborate with 3 students from Lycée Carcado-Saisseval, who joined forces with the existing communication team from May 10th to June 25th.

They helped us build a press kit and increase visibility of the Association on social media, both essential to raise awareness about our project.

A BIG thank you to Agathe LUTHRINGER, Gauthier BERTINO and Laura LEFEVRE.

Congratulations to all the volunteers for their amazing work!

Don’t forget!

To continue supporting the villagers in Dhorpatan :

  • You can make a donation to help the families of Dhorpatan.

  • You can become a member of the Association to support sustainable agriculture and keep up with our latest actions.

  • You can support us daily and for free thanks to Lilo, the sustainable search engine

Dani bath in Nepalese !
Tsutse tse in Tibetan !
Grazie mille in Italian !

Amis de Dhorpatan team

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