Verrine de patates écrasée et poivrons pour 6

mashed-potatoes-peppers Ingrédients


– 600g of potatoes – 15cl of milk 1/2 skimmed
– 60g of soft butter – 2 pinches of fine salt
– 6 turns of pepper mill – 10 corse salt
– 1 piece onions – 5 pieces of red pepper
– 10cl of olive oil – 1 piece of garlic, thyme, bay leaf
– 6 pinches of Espelette pepper – 6 pinches of salt
– 15 pitted black olives


Preparation – Mashed potatoes

1 – Dice the peeled potatoes and rinse under cold water

2- Put the potatoes in a saucepan and cover with cold water, then add the coarse salt and bring to a boil

3- Let cook at low temperature for 10 to 12 minutes

4- Drain the potatoes and pass them through a food mill

5- Season with pepper and fine salt if necessary

6- Adjust the texture of the mashed potatoes with the butter and milk

Preparation – Mashed peppers

7- Peel the onion and cut it into thin strips

8- Pour a dash of olive oil in a pan and sweat the onions with a pinch of salt

9- Add the peppers, salt, a clove of garlic, a sprig of thyme and a bay leaf, and cook covered for 20 minutes

10- Adjust the seasoning with salt and Espelette pepper

11- Drain the peppers and blend them coarsely

Preparation – Dressing

12- Arrange the mashed potatoes in verrines, then cover with the mashed peppers

13- Garnish with black olives and serve

Bon appétit!



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