September 2021: let’s do this!

Well hello there! How have you been?

The Amis de Dhorpatan team hopes you had a (hopefully) sunny, spicy, colorful summer, surrounded by your loved ones, and that you are full of energy to take on this new season!

As per usual, we are starting the new academic year in top shape. This one should be full of exciting new projects that we can’t wait to share with you.

Come see us at the Associations’ fair

This year again, Amis de Dhorpatan will take part in the 15th District’s Association fair:

  • this saturday Sept 11th, 2021
  • from 10 am to 6 pm
  • stand n°227

No Health Passport is required since the fair will be held outside, at Square Cherioux.

Do not hesitate to come meet our vonluteers and discover our projects for 2021.

Metro line 12 – stop at Vaugirard
Bus 39,70,80, 88 – stops at Vaugirard-Favorites or Mairie du 15ème

An invitation to discover new horizons

September does not necessarily mean back to school. For some lucky people, holidays are just about to start. So for those of you who might still be looking for the perfect spot, we have an idea for you.
Discover Dhorpatan’s valley

dhaulagiri-EN dhaulagiri 2

Don’t forget !

To continue supporting the villagers in Dhorpatan :

  • You can make a donation to help the families of Dhorpatan.
  • You can become a member of the Association to support sustainable agriculture and keep up with our latest actions.
  • You can support us daily and for free thanks to Lilo, the sustainable search engine.


Dani bath en népalais !
Tsutse tse en tibetain !
Grazie mille en italien !

L’Equipe Amis de Dhorpatan

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