Joy and Colours : the Nepalese New Year(s)

April is definitely the BEST time of year to discover Nepal and its incredible culture. Why? Because of the celebrations of the main Nepalese New Year. Then, the festivals of the Kathmandu Valley, especially in Bhaktapur, will be the most memorable stops in your...

Happy Easter!

Treat yourself! Easter is just around the corner, time to stock up on chocolate. Let it cover you and melt your heart. Eat it as much as you like! Big Easter contest Once again, the Amis de Dhorpatan team is delighted to invite you to a big Easter contest. This year,...

Inhale, exhale, we finally entered a new year !   We hope that this year will bring the confidence, kindness and resilience we all need. But it’s up to us to sow the seeds of our thoughts for 2021. Talking, learning, communicating remains the best way to question...

Amis de Dhorpatan – December news !

A star is born : it’s you! So remember to shine during the holidays ! The Amis de Dhorpatan team wishes you a wonderful holiday season. May they be sweet, joyous, yummy, relaxing, festive… Take care of yourself, treat yourself! You deserve it! Take this opportunity to...

Sunny news

We are back to warm your heart with some Sunny News! The Amis de Dhorpatan Team hopes you and your loved ones are healthy and that you enjoy being back outside. We wanted to share the smiles of the new volunteers that joined us the past months. We had the chance to...

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