The whole Amis de Dhorpatan team hopes you and your loved ones are healthy and that this email

finds you in to form !

Some news from Dhorpatan
As many of us are, the villagers in Dhorpatan have been living under lockdown for several weeks now. The village being already fairly isolated due to the altitude it is located at, the current health security restrictions make it now impossible for farmers to sell their harvest and to pursue their sustainable tourism activities.

To continue to support themand to celebrate spring in a fun way, the Association Amis de Dhorpatan launches a big online spring game !

Join us on April 13th and 15th at 5.30 pm (Paris G.M.T.), on our Facebook page to hunt Dhorpatan’s potatoe ! The3 winners of our big game will be gifted Nepalese crafts.

At the end of the quiz, you will be able to make asmall donation to support Dhopatan’s farmers. All collected donations will be given to the villagers.

We’re counting on you !


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